Monday, February 27, 2012

Leave Angelina Jolie and Her Leg Alone

OK, we all know I am a sucker for all things pop culture. So it should come as no surprise that last night was pretty much my Super Bowl. I love awards shows. And The Oscars are my favorite. Not only because I love movies, but its fun to see all those famous people crammed into a room and forced to play nice. I love it when a full-fledged movie star goes all snotty faced during an acceptance speech. And when you can tell their excitement and wonder at the whole thing is genuine. Truth be told though, it really is all about the dresses. I mean come on, who doesn’t love seeing all those gowns and shoes. I especially love it when someone goes all Helena Bohnam Carter or Bjork on the place.

This year amidst a sea of beauties, of course Angelina Jolie stood out. Think what you will of her – personally I see glimpses of a real person sometimes that make me think all that pretentiousness is a construct for the cameras. You can’t have six kids and take yourself too seriously. And anyone who works as hard as she does to do good in the world gets a few points in my book.

Last night she was in an especially…movie star… place. Yes, the dress was pretty. But that leg. I mean, we all saw it right? That forced pose. Like she was thinking, “Hey look! There is a slit in my dress! Check it out! Right here! It’s my leg! You guys! Can you see it?!” I guess there is no other way to show off a slit like that other than striking a pose. But it did look silly. And I LOVE that Jim Rash busted her out for it on stage. (See, The Oscars are so much fun!)

What should have been a non-story about a movie star trying a little too hard is taking a strange turn though. I saw this this morning, and have seen similar comments on facebook, twitter, US Weekly and a bunch of other places. Not exactly the most reputable sources, but still. More than the awkward pose, people are up in arms because Angelina’s leg looks too skinny. What is it that makes us have to criticize women this way? Why are women’s bodies always up for conversation? Why is it always ok to say someone is too fat, too skinny, too muscular, too frail, too… whatever?

Is it any wonder that girls are growing up increasingly worried about their bodies? That younger and younger girls are dealing with bulimia, anorexia and who knows what other crazy attempts to stay skinny, to live up to some mythical ideal.  That things like this are happening to our young women all in the name of getting the boy. Being popular. Staying on top.

I clearly remember being in Angelina’s shoes. Ok, maybe not the fancy Ferragamo’s she had on last night. But I’ve been taunted and teased about my weight. At five foot two, I was well into my twenties before I broke a hundred and five pounds. And as much as I would never think to call anyone fat, to point out that they could stand to lose a few pounds, that their ass barely fit in a chair, I was commonly referred to as a “skinny bitch” and told to eat a sandwich. Whenever I tried to call people on it, ask why they thought it was ok to comment on my weight, they would just “oh whatever, you’re skinny, get over it” as if I had no right to be hurt or offended that someone was commenting on my body.

My point is that we just can’t win. No matter what, women will always feel the need to tear each other down.  And if we do it, then of course men will jump on board and do it too. As long as we are a culture obsessed with appearance, women will always be the target of this hateful drivel. Yes, I see the irony in my stance here. I know that by reading these magazines I am adding to the problem. But I think there is a line between “oh, that’s a pretty dress” and “oh hell no, that bitch needs to eat a steak.”

So, can all we leave Angelina and her leg alone? Can we please accept that she is a smart capable woman who has her life under control? That yeah, she is skinny, but regardless of whether it’s the natural state of her body or the results of hard work, it’s her body to worry about? And that it is really none of our business.

You keep sticking that leg out Angelina, no matter how goofy you look. Stick it out for all women. Stick out your leg and be proud of yourself for all that you have accomplished. As a woman I stand next to you, leg firmly thrust forward. Supporting you.  Hopefully this way, we can all start to back each other up instead of knocking each other down.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hate her leg! But I like your blog! :)